Hello Jim:
Yes good to see a few of the good guys out there to. Hope all is well
with you and your family.
What type od wire antenna where you using? A long wire.
I used a 300 foot long wire to a Collins ART13 on the Broadcast Band
where I was a kid and didn't know better.
Jay in the Mojave
Merry Christmas.
Jim Hampton wrote:
Hello Jay,
Just string up as much 10-12 gauge wire as you can. You'd be
surprised what a couple of hundred feet of wire fed against ground
can do.
I did this as a kid. Several hundred feet of 8 gauge wire fed
against 5 eight foot ground rods and the house heating system
(radiator ground). I was good for farther than I could receive in
the daytime (a station in Washington, DC, had to relay to me through
Buffalo, NY, that I was banging in well over S-9 at 1:00 PM!). In
the evening, I was good for the lower 48.
Good to see you around in the newsgroup 
73 from Rochester, NY Jim