I thought the SWR curve looked strange as well. The SWR has a weird
curve across the entire band. The antenna is actually a 4 element quad.
Its fed with a W2DU style VHF 1:1 balun. The coax is a short run of
RG-8X. The RG-8X uses PL-259s on both ends and I soldered a SO-239 onto
the coax for the balun (see pictures). Any issue with using PL259s and
a SO239?
Here is a picture of the feed system:
Here is a picture of the antenna under test:
This is the data graphed out, so its easier to see:
I took measurements with it fed for vertical polarization and
horizontal polarization. The results are both shown on the graphs.
-Scott, WU2X
Richard Clark wrote:
On 19 Dec 2006 22:41:37 -0800, wrote:
Here are the values I measured:
Hi Scott,
This looks like one sick puppy. Is it a dipole or a monopole? Try
adding some feedline decoupling/choking (and again a quarter wave away
from the feed point) and repeating your measurements.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC