Gaussian law and time varying fields
The closest thing to this I came across is Hertzian dipole fields via
looking at static/quasi-static waves.
Quick summary below without reproducing lots of formulas:
The hertzian dipole is 2 charges +q and -q connected together by wire. q=
I/w sin wt. -q= -I/w sin wt.The formulas are then followed through and
solved to obtain 1/r terms which are in phase. Obtain power crossing a
closed surface. Poynting vector must have a 1/r squared term, and formulas
for E and H must have 1/r terms and be in phase. The formulas for E and H
fields then satisy Maxwells equations. The formulas obtained via the
quasi-static fields route are the same as those obtained via the magnetic
vector potential route.