Tubes FS
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 18:28:08 +0100, Federico wrote:
Hi, I hope this is the place to ask.
I have a bunch of tubes to sell. Where can I put them on sale exept eBay?
Here's the list:
Model quantity brand and description + date
EY88 13 Various
1625 16 RCA Tetrode Early 50'
10E/CV18 10 Mullard Double Power Triode Late 40'
6AS7G 18 Russian, Military Double Triode 80'
6BL8 50 ECG (Philips USA) Triode/Pentode 80'
6BK7B 30 General Electric Double triode 80'
6Y6G 10 USA Military Tetrode Early 50'
ECL805 15 Various Triode/Pentode 50'
PCF82 4 Mullard Power Triode Pentode 70'
ECL84 10 Various Power Triode Pentode 70'
EY500 6 Siemens Damper Diode 60'
GK71 20 Russian Military Transmission Pentode 80'
GMI11 12 Russian Military Commutation Tetrode 80'
GMI90 4 Russian Military Commutation Tetrode 80'
GU50 16 Russian Military Transmission Pentode 80'
GU81M 16 Russian Military Transmission Pentode 80'
OS51 46 Tungsram Transmission Pentode Late 50'
PCL86 37 Polam Power Terode/Pentode 60'
PL36 39 Siemens, varie Tetrode 60'
PC88,86,84,85 44 Various 60'
Thank you
How much for the PL36, all of them, shipped to BC, Canada?