Cal. kit for a 4195A & 41951A
Probably a question for Tom, but others are welcomed to answer too :-)
I've finally got my hands on an HP4195A (0-500MHz and freshly caled) and
also the 41951A impedance set + 16092A fixture. Unfortunately the 41951A
has been badly tempered and the calibration kit (short and 50R load) is
After some time spent I've fixed the 41951A, and seem to have a fully
functional unit (checked through calibrating it *with* the 16092A
fixture and a pair of selected 100R-0805 as the reference load).
At least the measurements I could do make sense, so far.
Now I'd just like to have all the possible accuracy from this and thus
want to rebuild an APC7 cal kit I can trust.
The original parts aren't available anymore, just 2 50R load left at
agilent at a (cough) $1350 price! and no more short.
I've found agilent has the 909C load which should be OK (given for
SWR=1.005 @ 2GHz).
I've also found an Amphenol short which should be OK since, AIUI, the
short is made by compressing a flat piece against the ref plane of the
mating connector.
I also want to add to this an APC7-SMA adapter for some on board
impedance measurement.
I believe all this would be perfectly OK but since I have not much hands
on experience with VNAs I'd just want to make sure.
Oh, last point, for those knowing it: I don't know if the open load
(04191-85302)is complete or not (it has an opened threading at the
opposite of the mating end) and could I find any picture/doc of it.
Any comment much appreciated.