Chukkeesukkee showing his need to be wanted somewhere...LOL
Hi Freinds,
Yes, I am single, male, 33 years old, never married. and no kids.. and
I know for a fact that God has called me to the ministry. (full time,
no less...)
and the Big problem is...
One of the main problems is, when you feel God has called you to
full-time ministry. and women hear this.... they usually run in the
other direction! Most women want a man, that's got a GOOD PAYING
full-time job! and most pastor's don't make that great of money. (Some
do, but I'll leave the comment for a later date...) I want to do the
Lord's will, But also, if God does send me a mate, I wanna be able to
care for her too. Ya know? I dunno... it looks hopeless for me
also, I dunno if I'm called to be a "pastor" of a Church, maybe someone
who's a evangelist, traveling around spreading the Gospel to various
places. being confined to one place, kinda isn't what I think I'm
called to do.
and also, I really don't want any children, I waited too long for that,
I don't wanna be 63 years old with a 18 year old kid... not my idea of
a party, if you know what I mean...
I really don't know what to do. I wanna be married, But I want someone
that is of "like-mindness"...
FYI... I am a KJV, Independent, Fundamental, Baptist. (of a northern
Thanks for reading...
-Chuck AKA BibleJunky
Last edited by BibleJunky on Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in
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123 Christian Friend
Joined: 17 Sep 2004
Posts: 49
Location: Lincoln Park, Michigan
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:08 pm Post subject:
and... here are some photos of me...
watch out ladies...