"Minnie Bannister" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I have one installed in an IC-706MkIIG. It announces the mode when I
change modes (USB - CW - RTTY - FM, etc.), and it announces the
S-meter reading, frequency and mode when I press and hold "Lock" for 2
The language (Japanese or English), speed, and S-meter reading
announcement on/off settings are selected from the Initial Set menu
(items 31, 32, 33, respectively), but I don't remember *having to* set
those before it would work.
Alan AB2OS
On 03/02/04 06:30 am Tom put fingers to keyboard and launched the
following message into cyberspace:
I recently bought the Icom UT-102 speech syntesizer for my
IC-706MKII,but it
doesn't say a word.Is a special activation procedure neccesary ? The
is useless,it just say what the UT-102 does,but not how