The End of an Era
Stand by for the asshole stampede
That already happened when they let in hams who passed the morse code
test who don't want anyone else in there except for their oiwn little
clique, and make up phony ham tests andd phony answers for anyone else
wanting to become a ham and flunk them so they can't pass the test
whether or not they got the answers correct.
I now think the dropping of the morse code requirement will bring more
civility to the ham bands. And even if it doesn't, then good. They (the
hams) deserve it to happen. Since they're the ones who are so uncivil.
With more people joining it, then maybe the uncivil hams won't be able
to prevent knowledgable operators from joining it just because they
don't want them in their little clique or just because they think
"his face is too ugly" or "I don't like the color of his hair:" , or "I
don't like the color of his skin" or whatever other such reasoning for
keeping knowledgable operaters who answered questions correctly out by
marking the correct answers as wrong and telling them they flunked.
Steveo wrote:
jim wrote:
Steveo wrote:
me wrote:
End of an Era: FCC to Drop Morse Testing for All Amateur License
Stand by for the asshole stampede.
You gonna get one of those shiny new tickets Jim?