Ideal ham receiver
I don't much like the receivers I've used in contemporary tranceivers
-- the general coverage synthisized open front end ones. (I hasten to
add I haven't used any of the $4000 rigs; can't afford them). But the
ones I have used seem plagued with near-signal desensitization, front
end overload, etc., and I suppose all that comes from putting the
selectivity so far downstream.
I'm almost tempted to get an old 75s4 and shut up, but I really don't
need another room heater, so, instead, I'm thinking of building my own
receiver along the lines laid down by the late Doug DeMaw in his _QRP
Notebook_. Single conversion 160m superhet with Collins mechanical
filters in the IF and a series of down-converters for the other bands.
Anybody got any experience with the DeMaw Design?
Jim, K5YUT