UPDATE: Question about 20-meter monoband vertical (kinda long - antenna gurus welcome)
I just put up a 20 meter monoband today. Been working on it for
a week of nights, and got it in the air when I got off work today early.
I used the 234/f formula and cut it for around 14.100 mHz which
gave a length of 16 feet 7 inches. [snip]
Thanks for all the replies. I added about a foot to all 4 radials and now
the antenna has an unreadable SWR (1.0+something small) from 14.005
to 14.200, where it barely starts to wiggle the needle! I had no idea a
mono-band vertical was SO BROAD! Now most medium distance
stations (1500 - 2500 miles and up) are easily 2 S-units above my 200'
wire. Seems to be working quite well!
Thanks for all the assitance