Returning to the 11 meter hobby :)
The difference is the hams I know of will immediately report any music
they hear on the cb as illegal transmissions without checking out the
situation first,
while I would try and check out the situation first too see if it's
really someone illegally playing music over a four watt cb on cb
channel 14, or if it's someone legally playing music on an old one
hundred milliwatt kids toy walkie talkie on cb channel 14.
The one hundred milliwatt walkie talkies operate under part 15 rules,
not under part 95 rules even though they use the same
Trying to say otherwise is like saying my part 15 videosenders and
wireless security cameras have to operate under ham rules because they
use the same frequencies as ham tv.
My videosender was made specifically to broadcast tv shows and music
over the ham frequencies, something that ham radio and tv isn't allowed
to do.
So no, I'm not breaking any laws by broadcasting tv shows and music
over ham frequencies even though any nearby hams would receive it on
their equipment and try to report me for "illegally broadcasting tv
shows and music 2.4 ghz".
It was a ham shop that sold me the equipment for that.
Although I got my security cameras elsewhere.
Spirittalk wrote:
I am interested in returning to this hobby after many years out.
In this time I have tried to get interested in taking the ham ticket
but too many of the attitudes are stuffy and I find the contacts I used
to make on SSB on 11 meters a lot more enjoyable.
I might add that some of the 11 meter dxer operators could teach a
thing or two to the hams about operating and general friendliness and
basic politeness.
I am off restricted space for aerials and I am thinking of a loft
Are there any other aerials, loft mounted new on the market that give
good performance on 11 meter SSB , I am not aware of.
I was last on the air at the end of 1986 on 11 meters and wish to
I have been disillusioned with wanting to become a radio amateur due to
attitudes amongst the stuffed shirts !!!
There are never any decent QSO's as I had back in the day.