If that is the one with the High Impedance setting, try that! The direct
setting may not work right. CL
"Ken" wrote in message

On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 12:39:08 -0600, Bob Miller
I have an mfj frequency counter -- inexpensive.
It works okay on strong signals; about 10 watts & up. Doesn't do worth
a darn on QRP signals, 5 watts or less. I'm guessing your chip doesn't
put out enough power for the frequency to be detected. You may need a
more sensitive lab quality detector.
The TTL input is hard-wired to the source; there is no sniffing.
The specs for this meter say 1.5 V max for the TTL signal. I do have
an RF voltage probe; maybe it can measure a square wave digital signal
that is always positive. Maybe the signal is something like 10 mV and
the meter won't read that low.
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