Welding Rod J-Pole Possible?
Chuck James wrote:
I know I could just go buy a mag-mount mobile antenna, but would it be
possible or even practical to build a J-pole type or vertical (without long
radials) antenna for 2m/70cm, out of welding rod, which could be small
enough to be easily portable and used inside different rooms? Our local
RACES is trying to set up a volunteer communications network inside several
different city and county offices to assist in emergencies. I have searched
(a little) for such a design, and found something similar, made out of TV
line, but would prefer something that could be made free standing and as
small as practical. The Welding Rod antennas made with 45 degree radials
are a little bulky to move through congested hallways. The idea is to make
it portable enough to move from room to room as needed. Long radials would
impede moving through hallways.
Thanks in advance, KE5GEO
There are mny plans available on the Internet for free standing
J-poles made out of 1/2 -3/4 inch copper tubing.
Good luck, jimbo