A moment of silence my friends for a silent key.
Heh Bill it is free membership here, leave them alone. You tell other
people to talk to them and then you do it yourself. Share and share
alike I say
Bill Turner wrote:
On Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:22:55 -0600, "JIM"
I'll Bet there are a lot of old timer's just shaking in there Graves
at the way you have been presenting the hobby that they helped to grow.
------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
I'll bet there are even more newsgroup users who are tired of people
posting messages that have nothing to do with the topic of the
I'll spell it out for you: The three newsgroups you have posted to
have nothing to do with a "moment of silence". There is newsgroup
which is a catch-all for amateur radio related items:
Now that you know, I trust you will post correctly in the future.
Bill, W6WRT