Jack Schmidling ) writes:
AaronJ wrote:
Just for fun, try a kludge BFO. Place an AM broadcast band radio (non-digital)
as physically close to the S38 as you can get it. Tune the broadcast band radio
until you hear a beat with the AM or CW signal you are listening to on the S38.
Actually, I already did that but it's a pretty academic exercise.
After all is said, seems like there should be some way to control the
feedback to both provide a beat and optimize the gain/selectivity.
There's no control for it? That seems odd.
The trick is to make the cathode resistor variable, and use that to
control the level of regeneration.
I have no interest in CW or sideband with this radio but I do need some
way to set my ranger on the station I am listening to.
Any thoughts on an outboard tweak?
Don't put it on transmit, but key the oscillator? Old rigs often
were set up that way, so you'd have a weak signal from the transmitter
to set the receiver to.
Or, they'd have some spotting function specifically for it.
Michael VE2BVW