If Frank reveals one of his secret designs... he'll have to kill us
On 05 Jan 2007 02:19:06 GMT, Steveo wrote in
Frank Gilliland wrote:
I would gladly trade any of
the crusty old CB's from my pile for a crusty old Coleman lantern.
I have a knack for busting the mantles on them, but otherwise that is
usually the brightest non-electric lamp in camp.
Don't mess with clip-on mantles -- they're worthless. Use the tie-on
type. Use a double-overhand knot, tie it loose -before- you slip on
the mantle, then even out the wrinkles and pull it tight. That way you
won't have a loose mantle that will fall apart when you bump the
lantern. But even doing that I still get about 1 in 3 mantles that end
up with a hole after burn-in. The quality just isn't there anymore.