"Jack Schmidling" wrote in message
I am in the early stages of building an 811/813 rig and need lots of help.
First of all, I can't seem to find plans or schematic for such a beast but
there must be hundreds of them out there.
I have the power supply, a Ranger to drive it, a cabinet and a few RF
parts but no modulator.
Would appreciate any help I can get.
PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver http://schmidling.com
The 1960 ARRL handbook has a single 813 amp and a GG amplifier with a pair
811s. The 17th edition (circa 1967) of Bill Orr's Radio Handbook features
designs for 813s and a specific design for a class-B modulator using a pair
of 811s.
After the 1960s, people turned to Linear amplifiers and switched to SSB from
Ed, N5EI
Ed, N5EI