Thread: LSB to USB ?
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Old March 14th 04, 03:48 PM
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"Thierry" To answer me in private use wrote in


Technical question requested by a ham:

Is it possible to receive an image signal on a low frequency on USB
mode and find the true signal at some higher frequency in LSB (e.g.
6.1 mhz usb and 7 mhz cw-lsb). It seems that some UA stations emitting
on 40m have their image on 6 (e.g. 7043 - 6135 = 907 / 2 = well IF 454
khz) but a reversed mode ... ?? Looks really strange if not


An image frequency always have it's sidebands inverted. That is part of
the reason why amateurs use LSB on 80 and 40 metres and USB on 20 15 and

One of the first SSB transmitter had its IF between 40 and 20 metres and
the sideband was not switchable. So the result was LSB on 80 and 40 and,
USB on 20 15 and 10. It became a de facto standard.

Note that there were only 5 HF bands at the time.


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