Telstar Electronics has always been interested in providing top quality
consumer electronic products. On every new product we undertake, we try
to gather value customer input during the design phase. Your input is
very valuable to us... and we wish you would take a few minutes to
complete the following questionnaire. Thanks for your help in
developing this new product!
Two-way CB radio communication relies on the voice modulation content
contained on the signal. Maintaining a high modulation level is crucial
in providing the highest possible transmitting distance from any
transmitter operating on AM, FM, and SSB. Current CB radios normally
rely on microphones that inherently change audio levels inputted to the
transmitter. This causes transmitter modulation to fluctuate greatly
depending on voice level. This audio fluctuation lowers overall
modulation levels applied to the transmitter, resulting in less than
optimum transmission range.
Product Description:
A module that can be fitted to CB radios that provides dynamic speech
compression, limiting, and low-level background noise attenuation on
transmit. The speech compression will provide a constant high level of
modulation to transmitted signals, independent of voice level.
Please rate the importance 1-5 (1-not important to 5-very important) of
the following categories:
Importance of adding some type of speech processing to the transmitter
on your radio (1-5)
Importance of being available in kit form (1-5)
Importance of cost below $25 (1-5)
Importance of cost below $50 (1-5)
Importance of cost below $75 (1-5)
Importance of a comprehensive warranty (1-5)
Importance of being light weight (1-5)
Importance of small size (1-5)
Importance of ability to switch processor in and out of transmit audio
signal path (1-5)
Importance of not having to change batteries (1-5)
Importance of adjustable audio compression (1-5)
Importance of compatibility with condenser type microphones (1-5)
Importance of compatibility with crystal type microphones (1-5)
Importance of visible modulation indicator (1-5)
Importance of ability to install processor inside radio (1-5)
Importance of ease of installation (1-5)
Importance of ability to install processor without professional help
Importance of comprehensive installation instructions (1-5)
Thank you for your response. Your input will allow us to develop the
best possible blend of performance and features for this new product.