MMDS antennas
Most of the MMDS stuff I had back in the early 1980s took 2.1 GHz in and
put out on channel 3 (TV) to pick up HBO when they used to broadcast in
the bigger cities without encryption of any kind. You might be able to
use it on the 2.3 GHz amateur band and an IF of 144 MHz (after figuring
out the LO frequency of the converter).
mike wrote:
Hi there,
I have some CONIFER MMDS antennas into my shack
these aeriel have some internal circuitry that seems to be ...
downconverter ?
I would like some info about their reception frequency (heard about...
8Ghz ??), I guess their output to a TV set is in the VHF hi/lo band ?
If I connect these antennas to my ICOM ICR-7100, what kind of signal
could I get ? Could I catch some ships radars , or Wi-FI signals ?
Thank you