Alas, on the wretched hour of Fri, 05 Jan 2007 23:52:01 +0100 Highland
Ham thusly proclaimed:
How is your tuner going to be semi-automatic, if I may ask?
Suggest you consider a stepper motor from a dumped
printer/scanner/floppy drive or HD ,if necessary including a shaft
rotational reducer when steps are too big.
Google will provide you with suitable (simple) circuits to drive the
motor ,usually involving one or more opamps.
From semi-automatic the circuit can evolve towards a fully automatic
system with a SWR sensing circuit.
You know... I just happen to have two old floppy drives in my drawer.
Might be able to control them as they are through the standard cable if I
have the right software. Would just have to make another mechanical
modification to put the motion to use. A standard diskette might come in
handy for that.
Excellent idea! Thanks!