yaesu vr 500
Just curious...
On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 20:50:27 +0100, Roald wrote:
It's a very good receiver. Even strong SSB-signals sounds very good.
I often listen vhf-air comm. In that area of the freq. spectrum the
audio is terribly weak.
I had a brand new VR-5000 receiver for a short while. I returned it
because it did not seem to do very well in the aircraft (just above
the FM band) and SW frequencies. It seemed to do fine in the upper
VHF areas, but a trunking scanner seemed more useable for me
in that frequency range. I really liked the idea of a really
wide frequency coverage in one receiver such as the VR-5000,
but in practice, it left a lot to be desired. Reviews I
read of that receiver seemed to agree with my assessment.
Is the VR-500 different in that respect? If so, I would
seriously consider getting one of those instead.
Tony B