On Jan 7, 9:41 pm, JimC wrote:
The following questions have probably been addressed before, and if
there's a FAQ or other source that would answer them, I would appreciate
getting it. Basically, I would like to get a SW receiver sensitive and
selective enough to receive foreign stations broadcasting news,
commentary, music, etc., from countries such as China, Iran, France,
Russia, etc. I don't think I need one sufficiently selective for HAM
reception, but would like one with which I could pick up the national
stations from a number of countries fairly reliably. (Apparently, BBC is
no longer broadcasting directly to North America, and is only available
via the web.)
I now have a Radio Shack portable that sold originally for around $150,
but I haven't been able to use it conveniently. - It is controlled with
multiple pushbuttons, which to me were a hassle. I think I prefer to
have a dial of some sort, because it seems to make it more convenient to
scan a band for signals that are reasonably strong. (I also miss the old
green "eyes" that used to narrow down, or open up, when you centered on
a strong signal. - But I'll be happy for a needle, or whatever.) Another
problem with the RS portable is that it seems to use up batteries quite
fast. - Perhaps I was doing something wrong.
1. Does anyone have suggestions for a table model (could be portable,
but not required) suitable for this kind of use for perhaps $100 - $200?
2. Some sets selling on EBay seem interesting, but several of the
sellers refuse to give any warranty whatsoever. (Not even a DOA
guarantee.) That seems pretty unreasonable to me. In this price range,
would it make more sense to buy a cheaper new receiver rather than take
a chance on an Ebay sale?
3. If I prefer analog tuning of some type, am I typically limited to
buying older, used equipment in this price range?
4. Are there sources other than EBay that I should consider?
- Models that I have seen that seem to be good compromises
- include the Panasonic RF-4900 or RF-B600, the RF 2800?, etc.,
- or the Radio Shack DX-394. Also, some of the cheaper, used
- Hallicrafters, or the solid-state Trans Oceanics, seem like
- reasonable buys. However, I don't want to get involved with
- checking out all the chokes, capacitors, etc.
- Thanks for any suggestions.
- Jim
Look at this List of the "Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey"
-hosted by- DXing.Com =
Why not wait an extra month or two and Save-Up and buy
something in the $300 to $450 price range like the :
Drake SW2
Kenwood R-2000
Realistic DX-394
Yaesu FRG-7700
Also take a look at the "Universal Radio Used and
Demo Equipment "For Sale" {Trade-In} List.
Plus there is "Bob's Bargain Bin" at Grove Enterprises
Note - Grove Enterprises is now listing Bob's Bargain Bin
items on eBay.
Here is "What's-Out-There" NEW in your price range :
The Sony ICF-SW7600GR is a very good 'portable'
AM & FM Shortwave Radio - Priced around $150.
The Sangean ATS-909 is also a very good 'portable'
AM & FM Shortwave Radio - Priced around $200.
Then again the new Redsun RP2100 is well thought of as a
'portable' AM & FM Shortwave Radio - Priced around $100.
hope this helps - iane ~ RHF