Anyone have a Boston Accoustic Receptor Radio?
Hi, OP here.
I only called the service menu "hidden" because its not documented in the
manual. There are quite a few adjustments that can be made in this menu, my
only question is how I can save them once I make the changes so it lasts
more than one session.
If you haven't found it on your own, turn the radio on. Press and hold the
CLOCK button for about 3 seconds and then you get the menu. Its easiest to
navigate with the remote, (especially the graphic equalizers) but you can
use the knobs as well. To exit, press and hold the CLOCK button again when
you are at the maine menu.
Now if you can figure out how to save these settings once you turn the
machine off and back on, I'd appreciate you posting how here as I'm too
stupid to figure that out.
"Guerite." wrote in message
"NOSPAM" wrote
I was hoping someone could help me out. I have one of their Receptor HD
digital radios.
I know how to get into the "hidden" service menu on it to adjust the tone
bass as well as the brightness and such, but it doesn't save these
once I turn the radio off and then back on.
Please explain how you enter into the "hidden" service menu?
For example, I turn the bass control all the way down from 15 to 0 before
set the sleep time at night for 60 minutes all is good. But when the
turns itself off until my wake to music alarm in the morning the bass has
gone back to its default setting. Any suggestion on how to save these
one session to the next.
If my memory serves; the bass is adjustable from 0 to minus 6.
Does anyone have a users guide / faq / website link to the service menus?
seems to have a lot of neat options (like turning SPLIT ON and OFF as
as BASS BOOST ON and OFF ect... but I have no clue what they do. I've
googled it a variety of way, but haven't seen any discussions about it
than links to the BA website where you can download the standard basic
manual that came with the radio.
Please explain to me how you are seeing SPLIT ON/OFF & BASS BOOST ON/OFF?
Lastly, and this is going to sound crazy, but when I have the radio on
bedside table at night, a Vol Setting of 1 is too loud and Vol setting of
is completely off. Anyway to adjust the volume range or steps between the
numbers and defaults similar to be being able to adjust the brightness?
Unfortunely, when the radio is only a few feet away from your head Even
1 is loud enough to keep the wife awake.
My VOL setting varies from Zero (0) to One-Hundred (100). How you can say
that the volume setting of one (1) is too loud is a mystery to me.
Your entire post is a mystery.