What is BEST all-tube, general coverage receiver under $1000? Under $2000?
On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 17:10:25 -0500, Chuck Harris
Scott Dorsey wrote:
In article ,
Any reason why a 1N4007 wouldn't be happy in there?
Well, yes. When functioning as a demodulator, the diodes take the
IF frequency (455KHz), and the BFO frequency (453.65/456.35KHz), and
make audio. When functioning as a modulator, the diodes take the
audio, and the BFO frequency, and make modulated IF.
A 1N4007 cannot switch at even audio rates, let alone at 455KHz.
You could always try a "vaccuum state" diode such as a 6AL5...
Stan Barr stanb .at. dial .dot. pipex .dot. com
(Remove any digits from the addresses when mailing me.)
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