What is BEST all-tube, general coverage receiver under $1000? Under $2000?
I really like all the R-388 receivers that I've had.
All worked right off the bat with no repairs, etc.
I still use on for 10 meter AM.
Easy to use!
Rich WA2RQY/4
On Jan 7, 1:54 am, "C. J. Clegg" wrote:
Looking for the best all-tube general-coverage (0.5-30) receiver I can
Need good operation on SSB and CW and capability on AM, along with
sensitivity, stability, ruggedness, and availability of replacement parts
e.g. tubes (that last one might be difficult...).
I'm thinking Collins 51Jx or R-390, although I remember that I really
liked an old Hammarlund I had once...
Would like to stay under $1000 but if I had to I suppose I could go as
high as $2000 for something that's really mint.
What do you guys recommend I look for?