All good answers. The main reason I was not going to build a Micro R2
was not the building but the single band.
I wanted something multiple band and as to frequency readout I was
thinking of adding a digital dial.
This guy has a neat (and cheap) frequency counter:
And the shipping is only $5 to the US. (Haven't bought from him yet or
before, BTW).
Yes, I'm trying to maximize my purchase but I don't expect it to do
everything. And I probably should just bite the bullet and build
something but I'd like to have something commercial to fall back on.
This maybe werid reasoning but I'm trying to stay away from a
transceiver because I don't want the transmitter part. I want to try
and build my own transmitters and transceivers.
My first big project plan is to build a BITX20 SSB transceiver. I've
had a blast on 20 meter QRP SSB.
I've built an antenna tuner (Hans Summers' site) and I just finished a
KD1JV 'Tenna Tuner' - that's how I found out my frequency counter was
shot. It was given to me a year or so ago and I had never really used
I also have a Softrock 6.x 40 M receiver I just finished but haven't
tested yet and a Micro 80 XCVR in the same boat (Micro80 is a Russian
Pixie type rig). I also have a AMQRP DDS60 on the bench but haven't
started it yet.
I have a RF signal generator (old Heathkit), two o'scopes but both are
low bandwidth, one is an old Tektronix solid state 3", 4 MHz BW and the
other is some dual trace that is like 5 or 10 MHz - but frankly I don't
remember how to use them correctly. I have a DMM, an AADE LC meter (I
love this thing), some odds and ends single board stuff I've built.
As one of you said, I need something to listen to the oscillator
with... But I'd like just a tad bit more.
Could I really get by with a newer digital dial SW receiver? I thought
they were just too wide open on the front end side to be any good at
I have been eyeing the Drake R4 series... But that's probably more
liquid cash then I have.
Please keep it coming. I learning and asking questions. And some of it
is really starting to make sense!! :-)
On the receiver I've put messages on eHam and QRZ for a 'receiver
wanted' - I have some P4 class desktop machines I could trade, but I
haven't gotten any nibbles at all yet. I've been hesitant to put the
same message on due to the volume of traffic there.