Vertical, radial, modeled with NEC4
All except case d can be modeled with NEC-2 based programs including
EZNEC. NEC-4 won't give significantly different results.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
I have question about performance of radial(s) in particular situation,
close or on the ground, but don't have NEC4 to model it.
Could anyone model with NEC4 engine these two situations please:
1. 200 ft tall vertical radiator, at 1.8 MHz with single horizontal 200 ft
a, at 6 ft above ground
b, 1 ft above ground
c, 3 inches above ground
d, buried, say 3 inches
using average real ground
2. Same as above cases but over "perfect" ground (salt water or salty marsh)
I would like to see the current distribution along the wires in all cases
and vertical radiation diagrams.
If you could email me the results or if you like to post them on web site, I
would appreciate that very much.
Thanks, 73 Yuri, K3BU