"Joel Kolstad" wrote in message
"john jardine" wrote in message
Done a bog standard, single transistor Colpitts, that covers 110-220Mhz
using a cheap SMV1255-000 varicap.
What's the power consumption of the VCO? (I'm looking at breaking apart
of those ADF4360's into a separate VCO and PLL, since the 4360's use a
of power, but apparently most of this is tied up in the VCO since you can
readily get PLLs that are only a milliamp or two such as your LMX2306...)
2ma at 5V.
It's a 2N3819 fet with 1k5 source. Runs about 300mV rms (or, as this is a
radio group +2.57dBm

For curiosity, the original fet circuit seemed not
unhappy to be pushed to 500MHz, (on plug in breadboard!).
Noticed the "-7 -8" ADF4360 versions use external Ls. Nice feature (to me)
is that the oscillator is routed internally to drive the DivN counters. At
the moment am using 2 MMC's to give a 1Vrms (apologies, +13dBm) final output
to drive other circuits, ALC and the synth but they burn power like there's
no tomorrow.
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