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Old January 12th 07, 01:10 PM posted to
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Default Why Can't I Buy Any IRC's At The P.O.?

Terry Palmersheim wrote:
I've tried to buy IRC's (International Reply Coupons) at the local P.O.,
even though they have them, they won't sell them! Their screen says: "Not

IRCs are a SORE subject for a lot of us, Terry. I've been
able to buy them at one post office near me, pretty regularly,
but it's routine to ask for them and be told:

1. "We don't carry them." (You did a few weeks ago.)

2. "I've never heard of them."

3. "Those have been discontinued."

4. "What the heck is an IRC?"

We Americans are fairly lucky, in that "green stamps" are
acceptable and useful for a lot of foreign hams.

Ken Kuzenski AC4RD ken . kuzenski at duke .edu
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