Shortwave Log is no more
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 22:46:27 GMT, Jim Douglas
Looks like Mr. Sillett has given up on his Shortwave Log program. His
final post to his Yahoo group was that he couldn't reproduce the
problems people were having with V5 and that he didn't appreciate the
tone of some of the comments he was getting. The next day, the Yahoo
group was gone.
Too bad.
The reason seems to be a bunch of non-computer users who were having
problems and constantly bitching about them. I think he said screw it
after all he had worked for years on that program and didn't like the
tone of new users. I posted an email indicating that I would assist in
troubleshooting but never got a reply. Bob if you are reading this
thanks for the program and all the work you have done! Great job!
Agreed...there was a cadre of people on his Yahoo group who seemed
barely capable of installing the software, let alone understanding
that it was a work in progress (with inevitable bugs). It was tiresome
even as a bystander to read their ****ing and moaning, and I can see
how Robert finally got fed up with it.
I really hope he takes some time to decompress, recharge his
batteries, and brings SWLog back to life. I found it to be
indispensable once I got the hang of using it, and as I recall from
his website it had been around in one version or another since
1990(!). It was the only freeware program that I've ever found useful
enough that I made a donation to it anyway.