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Old March 20th 04, 11:13 PM
Clif Holland
Posts: n/a

A word of warning. Actually 2.

The coils in the bottom are a tinkerers delight and many radios have broken
cores. The coils are not available. The most tinkered with was the 10m coil.
If it is broken the rest of the coils will not align correctly.

Also the 2 relays used in it are NLA.

Other than that great radios. The SE was a 120v only version and didn't have
the fixed freq xtal positions. There are a couple of other differences but
they don't come to mind at the moment.

Clif Holland, KA5IPF
Authorized Kenwood and Icom Service Center
816 W Shady Grove Rd
Irving, TX 75060

972-870-0630 (local)

"David 01" wrote in message
I've seen some of these (only on the net) and have become interested in
maybe purchasing one in the future.

My question is: which model is the best? Other than the fact that the 520
has no 160m band (I believe this is correct), what are other differences?
