Yagi question
Nelson Blaha wrote:
I'm looking to build a 2m yagi, but I haven't got any money. Can I
make one out of aluminum coat hangers? I also have a 4-foot section of
1" PVC pipe laying around, and glue, tools etc.
Nelson Blaha
Call-sign in the mail
Others presented good ideas. Ya know, an old TV antenna would make a decent
yagi for 2m, and with people going to cable/satellite TV, you could probably
find one for nothing or only a few dollars. Remove the elements you don't
need, cut the remaining elements down to length, do a little rewiring as
needed, connect your feedline, and you're good to go. If you want vertical
polarization, redrill the boom-to-mast mounting holes 90° from original.
I once did something similar with a 3 element 11m yagi... in about an hour
or so including tuneup time, I turned it into a gamma-matched 6 element 2m
yagi. I used my VSWR-protected 2m rig's output indicator to indicate proper
tuning by adjusting for maximum relative forward power.
Bryan WA7PRC