Social Security Numbers, the FCC & the ULS
Joaquin Tall wrote:
Hello All,
I was about to take my "tech" exam this coming Saturday, which I was
really looking forward to doing. I have been interested in radio for
some 45 years; the last few months, hams buddies have encouraged me to
finally do something about not waiting a 46th year.
hacking out for breivity
Many thanks for taking the time to listen! It was not my intention to
take out my frustrations on you! I apologize, if I have inadvertently
done so!
you had to vent I understand
I would very much like to hear your views on the matter.
I don't like it as I suspect that MY SS was compromised through the VE
system and used by a VE that haunts this NG and stlaks me online and
it is s ign of the times one I find distrubing esp everytime I see the
words "not to be used for identifaction on the SS card
Is my concern really misplaced or even unwarranted?
maybe a bit over hyped but not entirely misplaced IMO