Hammarlund HQ-170
"wb5kcm" wrote in message
Hello to the group, I am setting up a vintage station and just bought
an unknown/untested HQ-170 on eBay. Can anyone tell me what to check
for or what to expect when this jewel arrives? Let me know what you
think..good or bad..
Thanks, Randy, WB5KCM
I used one from about 1963 to 1975.
At one point I had a strange problem.
It turned out that the voltage regulator was no longer regulating
properly. I changed the tube and it was amazing.
One problem with the 170 family is that the WARC bands were
not covered. The 180 can be used on all bands and has the HC-10/SPC-10
guts built in.
I found my 170 to be quite stable after about 1/2 hour of being on.
Best Luck!
Ed, N5EI