Getting QSL Cards from contacts long time ago
Try typing the callsign in Google.
Also contact your local DX club and present the problem to the members. Most
likely these folks worked the same stations as you.
And you can post a list here for the ones you need.
I may have some of the ones you need -- so post em -- will see if I and
others can help
Good Luck
"tladotse" wrote in message
Hi all. My situation is that I am very much into increasing my DXCC
numbers right now. I was almost inactive for a number of years on HF
after my wife was ill and died. About a year ago I started counting my
DX contacts. I found that I had apparently lost a box of qsl cards for
dx in moving and am missing a number of cards that I had confirmed at
one time.
I am going back and trying to beg another card out of those that I find
in my logs.
Specifically, on some operations such as ones in the South Pacific
Islands, Clipperton, etc that I have worked and even had confirmed at
one juncture have had the same call sign assigned to different people
during different time periods. Is there a source on the web or
otherwise where one can find out who was the holder of a given call at
a given time and additionally who might have been the qsl manager.
Thank you so much for the information
73 and DX
Kennon W4TKI