Tim Shoppa wrote:
Ignoring your legal question, a suggestion:
Radio isn't too impressive among kids these days. Especially in
lesser-developed parts of the world (I honestly don't know how much
that overlaps with these kids?) everybody has a cellphone anyways.
I really find there is a LOT of interest in radio these days.
The wife and I got a pair of maxon 49.??? Mhz communicators, vox, etc.
At first, we got them for the motorcycle we had, the head gear can be
jammed under a helmet and the transceiver clipped on a belt, great for
talking while going down the road.
Lately, with the super walmart and all, we have been using them while
shopping, it is always easy to locate her in the store and we can shop
together even though we shop apart. Or, I can wait outside and just
meet here when she is checking out.
Point is, I can't get through the store without someone striking up a
conversation over these things. If I mention other areas of radio I am
involved in, it can easily turn into an hour conversation ...
Point being, an interest in radio is actually easy to begin in others.
Biggest problem I have noted is that people just don't talk anymore,
with these "conversation starters" on, they do!