Testing a mixer..
On Feb 8, 7:00 am, wrote:
I finally tested the circuit. I started with the transistor mixer as
you said. After being sure that the oscillators was working, i
connected them to the mixer and turned both of them on. When i turned
on the second one, i started to hear some strong low frequency
cycling, as you said before. When i turned off one of the oscillators,
the sound was gone. So that shows the mixer is working, i guess.
I have seen some crystal oscillator circuits with a trimmer connected
in series with the crystal. I thougt, that way i could generate some
higher frequency sound. I connected a trimmer to one of the
oscillators and it made the circuit output a real 'beat note'. I could
change the tone frequency with adjusting the trimmer. It could even
generate frequencies as high as 2 KHz. I didn't think that this small
trimmer could change the oscillation frequency that much.
I also experienced some strange things. While playing with that
trimmer, i found out that the mixer's power connection was lying on
the table. I connected it again, but it didn't change anything.
Circuit went on working as before. Is this BJT mixer capable of mixing
without power applied? And even the two oscillators were exactly same,
i found that one of them were more sensitive than the other one.
Touching the trimmer with a screwdriver changed the frequency like
400-500 Hz, while with the other one, it had no effect.
After then, as you suggested, i disconnected one of the oscillators
and moved it a bit far away from the mixer. I could still hear it from
1-2 meters away. I turned off the mixer to see if it works with this
situation too, but when i turned it off, i couldn't hear the other
oscillator even from 10 cm's. What about this?
I will test the diode mixer, too, but i have some problems with the
transformer right now. Until then, i will play with this one and see
if i can hear some real stuff with this. Do you think it is possible
with this simple setup, and with a long wire?
Sounds like the one oscillator is not working the way you think...
Yes, a transistor is a pair of diodes nose to nose, and can mix/
rectify without being powered.. But will need power to work as
Look, take a diode and a cap and a resistor and make an RF probe for
your VOM... Look in the ARRL handbook, or the RSGB, or just about any
handbook for this RF probe circuit..
Cheers ... denny