Hello Scott:
I am not saying to interfere with other stations. But I just had to make
fun of the way some of the amateurs are taking the no code testing that
our goverment has handed down.
Gee whiz yeah the Ten Ten Club, they are a Ten Meter Ham Club.
Hope they will be a help here. What type traffic do they have there on
28.370 Mc USB???? Maybe a net?
I can use all the Ten Meter Band, but it sure needs more activity. Yeah
I'll bet 28.365, 28.375, 28.385, 28.395, and 28.405 will active, maybe?
Jay in the Mojave
Scott in Baltimore wrote:
I hear that a lot of the no code techs will be around 28.385 Mc, on
the 23 rd
The word on this side is to meet on 28.365 USB.
Won't the 10-10 people on 28.370 just love it?