Newbie looking for a radio
Dear Stephan,
You are correct in your assessment of the Sony ICF-SW7600GR's speaker
audio, at least in regards to music reproduction:
... speaker audio ranges between thin and honky (7600GR) ...
but I should like to comment that, with regard to voice, the '7600GR's
audio is quite clear and easy to understand. Especially when trying to
identify a station, I have found its audio to be fine. (Of course
others may disagree with me.) In any case, I think the fact that the
radio has a true line output jack (in addition to an earphone output
jack) is a major "plus" not offered on most other portable radios.
This line output jack allows easy and direct connection to amplified
speakers or to the auxiliary input on your audio system. When playing
the radio through your audio system (via a cord easily obtainable at
Radio Shack, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., for about $10.00), the
sound quality is limited only by the quality of your system.