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Old April 3rd 04, 09:01 PM
Fred McKenzie
Posts: n/a

Helpful hints are appreciated and a service manual would be
really cool.


Does it work on receive? I'm not familiar with the 732, but other SSB rigs use
some of the same components on receive as on transmit.

Does it work on CW? Some older rigs generate a keyed tone and transmit it as
"synthesized" CW!

Although unlikely the cause of your problem, some Kenwood rigs have a jack on
the back for a transverter, that has an internal closed-circuit switch. If its
contacts get a little corroded they make poor connection and the rig acts up
when NOT using a transverter. The solution is to use the transverter plug that
came with the rig's accessory pack, to exercise the switch a few times. The
contact wiping action should clean it up for a while.

I found an "instruction manual" at You might download it and see
if it happens to really be a service manual.

73, Fred, K4DII