Antenna Pattern Distortion due to 2 antenna placed in near vicinity
Rohit wrote:
Hi all,
With the same setup as i have stated before, I have observed the
pattern by changing the spacing between the 2 antennas. For every 1
wavelength increase in spacing i am abserving one lobe around 90deg.
As the spacing becomes lage multiple of wavelength, the ripples
magnitude increase to greater extent. Can someone explain this. With
the experiment i've done, it indicates that for the spacing of 1
wavelength i get the best pattern without ripples.
It is the constructive and destructive mixing of the rf being emitted by
your antenna's. Your results are exactly correct. It is the reason that
twin cb radio antenna's don't really work on an 8 foot wide truck. At
that spacing they are only a fraction of a wave length apart and act as
one antenna.