HQ-170 Parts? Subing related parts.
On Feb 5, 6:52 pm, K3HVG wrote:
Randy, I have 40 or so Hammarlund transformer/inductors removed from
cannibalized HQ-170/170A's (and maybe a HQ 100 or110). If you can pass
on the actual p/n, printed on the side of the cans in question, perhaps
I can help. There should be two sequence numbers on each can. de K3HVG
wb5kcm wrote:
Anyone know if the T13, 1.05 to 2.05 Mcs antenna transformer in the
HQ-180 could be used for T12, 160 meter antenna transformer in the
HQ-170 ??
Also, What about using one of the 60 Kcs IF transformer for the T28
BFO coil? Possibly use one winding as the 60 Kcs BFO oscillator coil?
Anyone have any ideas or possibly tried this ??
Any info or opinions are most welcome and appreciated.
Randy, wb5kcm
Jeep, I wanted to tell you that I was able to obtain another HQ-170
for parts when I visited the local Ham here last Saturday. I have
already extracted/installed the two coils and they are working like a
champ. Thanks for your offer and I may take you up on that later if I
get into a bind. 73 de Randy, WB5KCM