killing cars with high RF?
S'funny. I still have a portable one, no radio, justt an old ass
protable 8 track player that still works. It's the tapes that sound
awful. I'm still trying to make a susccessful transition from vinyl to
CD with mediocre success. Damn CD's just sound flat and ANY BMG CD is
garbage. It's like BMG turned down the recording level. There are a
number of cool bands doing the live recording thing, like the Allman
Bros. You can buy the show you just attended on CD thirty minutes after
the band walks off stage.
I've got the conversion from vinyl to CD down to a science. I even run
it through the rice crispy filter. Once the loud noise spikes are removed
I can increase the volume to almost 0db. Of course, I've been throwing
away lots of bits to make MP3's for my MP3 player. I always save the
lossless files.