Trimming 2m 5/8 wave antenna for 156 mhz ???
Start trimming by 1/4 " at a time.
"Ralph Mowery" wrote in message
"James" wrote in message
. ..
Dave, as stated in my OP, this is a 5/8 wave antenna. It is the
that I have bought and that I will use temporarily. This will be for a
temporary use, and I agree with your suggestion about a marine 1/2 wave,
which I will do later on.
My question is "about" how much to trim for 156 mhz use. I will use an
SWR meter to get it right on spot, but I would like a feel for how much
trim. It is tricky to calculate , even using the "468" formula,
because of it being base-loaded.
73 de Jim K4PYT
You can start bu scaling the antenna length . That is devide 146 by 156
and get around .94. Then multiply the length of the element by .94.
As pointed out the loading (matching) coil will probalby need to be
modified somewhat for a perfect match, but this should get you close.