killing cars with high RF?
"KE5MBX" wrote in message
What's all this business I hear people talking about blasting people's
car stereos or killing cars altogether with high-power RF? I run 2m,
10m, and 11m in my jeep and I'd like to sort out the fact from the
legend and find out what kind of power I can use without risking
damage to my jeep or cars around me. At what power level is front-end
overload to a nearby radio likely? At what power level is damage
likely, and to what componets?
A couple of years back there were cars that included the caveat that any
transmitter installation would void the warrenty. Now that everyone and
their brother uses their cell phones in the car I guess they don't put that
notice in anymore.
Back in the mid 1970's I was in NROTC in college. There it was mentioned
that an EA6B (the electronics warfare version of an A6) could pulse its
radar and fry the electronics of a plane in the cone if it was close enough
(under 1 mile if I recall correctly). Anecdotal stories like that are the
source of electronic killing rf. That involved a multi megawatt microwave
pulse, not something you would normally see in an amatuer installation.
Living in an apartment, years ago I tried putting a 10 meter dipole across
the ceiling in a stealth installation, I shut down when the residents above
me complained that their tv would scramble while I tried running psk31.
You may not blow out their electronics but can definately interfere with
them if they are close enough.
thanks, John.