Another deep question regarding the universe
"art" wrote in message
On 18 Feb, 15:20, "Mike" wrote:
"art" wrote in message
How does the Coreolis force differ from radiation "curl" and how does
a tv set made in the northern hemasphere compare in Australia
(southern hemisphere) with an Australian TV set ?
I don't know about the Coreolis force but most Aussie TV's are made in
Northern hemisphere. In fact I don't think any TV's are made in
Mike I have now cleared the snow away so I have no excuse to day dream
while I get my strength back so I must now finish with this thread.
I pointed out earlier the relationships between curl and Faradays
where Faraday used a light and a electrical magnet to measure
polarization angle and where I connect it to curl is similar but time
variable related.
The corriolis forces are also connected but more specifically to the
earths magnetic field and where water revolves in different directions
depending on the hemisphere that you are in. With the television
addition I was looking at the magnetic yoke with the above in mind
which would suggest that what is in equilibrium in the northern
hemisphere would not be in equilibrium in the Southern hemisphere.
Since I know nothing about TVs that is all speculation on my part. Bye
Left hand rule is the same in both hemispheres.