On Feb 18, 10:29 pm, "RedPenguin" wrote:
I live in Pennsylvania, USA.
I just recently learned about shortwave. I believe it would be
something very good to get into.
I am not 100% sure on what to get in a receiver.
I want a portable kind so I can travel with it.
I found this online:
Kaito 1102 AM/FM Shortwave Radio
Is that a good radio to start out with or is it sucky?
I want to be able to pretty much hear everything and anything but I
don't wanna pay $1,000+. Is there a really nice portable that has a
fairly reasonable price tag? I seen some for like $350 but I don't
wanna spend that much until I know for a fact I am getting a great
Dear Sir,
The Kaito KA-1102 is indeed a pretty good radio as evidenced by the
many positive owners' comments concerning it. Its price certainly
can't be beat when one considers the features offered. However I
should like to mention that, according to the 2007 edition of PASSPORT
TO WORLD BAND RADIO, Degen's (the actual Chinese manufacturer) quality-
control has become "hit or miss" during the past year. This,
unfortunately, coincides with many of my experiences with Chinese-made
electronic equipment. While some can be very good indeed, many of the
products made "to a price" often are of inferior quality. And their
"longevity" leaves a great deal to be desired.
May I recommend to you my personal favorite portable? It is the Sony
ICF-SW7600GR and it is made (to a very high construction standard) in
Japan. This radio is very well designed and is an excellent performer
to boot. It can be purchased at J&R Music World
JRProductPage.process?Product=1627439, at Amazon.com
ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-0307019-7784070?ie=UTF8&s=electronics, and at
many radio dealers (Universal Radio, AES, etc.). It's more costly than
the Kaito, but I truly believe it is well-worth the difference. I own
five (5) of these radios, purchased over several years; all function
exactly the same (which shows great consistency of construction) and
it is a radio that, in my opinion, an owner will never "outgrow" no
matter how serious an SWL one becomes. It performs exceptionally well
on shortwave, on local and distant AM, and on FM. It's easy on
batteries (I use NiMH rechargeable ones). You will be able to hear
just about anything you would like, remembering, of course, that we
are now at the "bottom" of the eleven-year sunspot cycle, so listening
becomes more of a challenge. (Conditions should start to greatly
improve beginning as early as next year.) However, that does not
preclude hearing some very exotic signals with this radio. Lately,
I've listened to Egypt, Australia, South Africa, Albania, and many
other stations with it. Hams who use single sideband (SSB)
transmissions can also be heard easily and their signals are easy to
demodulate with this radio. It's even a dual-alarm clock! (I always
carry one on vacations or other trips.)
There is far more about which I could write, but I think you "get the
picture." I believe you would be very happy with the Sony ICF-
SW7600GR. I know I am!
Best of luck,