Non-ham antenna help req., plz?
On Feb 19, 7:46 am, "kelvin_cool_ohm"
I am trying to build one of those "booster" loops similar to
the ones that people use to position near an A.M. radio to
improve reception, BUT I'm wanting mine to work at 433 MHz!
Can any of you folks point me to some library or internet
resources that would describe optimum loop geometry and size?
Also, where to find the tuning capacitor that matches?
Loop antennas of the sort used for 2MHz and below are of a different
nature than a loop that would be used for 433MHz, generally. That is,
low frequency receiving loops are generally a small fraction of a
wavelength across (like commonly less than 1/100th), but at 433MHz, a
loop that would be worthwhile is generally going to be a large
fraction of the 27-inch wavelength of that frequency. The behaviour
of the loop will be different than the AM broadcast ones. I suspect
you will do better with a different external antenna. What sort of
receiver will you use it with? Does that receiver have a connector
for an external antenna? Could you put the antenna higher up in the
air, and run an antenna lead to the receiver? Exactly what are you
trying to accomplish? If the only thing you are trying to do is make
an accessory that looks cool, the dimensions don't matter, but if your
goal is to receive some specific signals you're now having trouble
with, let us know a bit more about that problem and we can perhaps
offer some suggestions.