Another deep question regarding the universe
On 19 Feb, 13:27, "KC4UAI" wrote:
On Feb 19, 2:08 pm, John Smith I wrote:
... similar effects are also noted in magnetic phenomenon and
objects/properties affected by magnetic properties.
Yes, but they don't change direction.. The relationship between a
traveling electric field and associated magnetic field are still
related by a vector cross product that does not change no matter where
you are on the earth's surface or in space, (Einstein and Hawking's
black hole theories aside.) This means that a beam of electrons will
be deflected exactly the same way by the same magnetic field no matter
where you are and your TV will work the same way at the north pole,
Amundsen-Scott Station and everywhere in between.
Oh my !! We are but one little part of the Universe all of which is
in equilibrium with each other. If everything turned the same way I
suspect you would fly off your handle as equilibrium would be lost
Don't tempt fate or Harvard will take their diploma back